  • Crack Me Up Meaning
    카테고리 없음 2020. 11. 9. 05:26

    One person at a time (alternating teams) will come up to the whiteboard and draw a picture of the literal meaning of an idiom.person knows the meaning of all the words and understands the grammar, the overall meaning of the idiom may be. Jokes that really cracked me up. Crack down.Idiom: Meaning: Example: crack me up: make me laugh hard, split a gut: Robin Williams cracks me up when he tells a story.If something cracks me up it makes me laugh a lot. Crack up, Informal. To suffer a mental or emotional breakdown. To crash, as in an automobile or airplane: He skidded into the telephone pole and cracked up. To wreck an automobile, airplane, or other vehicle. To laugh or to cause to laugh unrestrainedly: That story about the revolving door really cracked me up. Ed cracked up, too, when he heard it. . CRACK UP (verb) Sense 1. Meaning: Suffer a nervous breakdown. Classified under: Verbs of feeling. Synonyms: break up; collapse; crack; crack up; crock up. Hypernyms (to 'crack up' is one way to.): get; have; suffer; sustain (undergo (as of injuries and illnesses)) Sentence frame: Somebody -s. Derivation: crack-up (a mental or physical breakdown) Sense 2.

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    a. To break without complete separation of parts: The mirror cracked.
    b. To break or snap apart: The branch cracked off and fell.
    2. To make a sharp snapping sound: His knees cracked as he sat down.
    a. To break down; fail: The defendant's composure finally began to crack.
    Crack Me Up Meaning
    b. To have a mental or physical breakdown: cracked under the pressure.
    4. To change sharply in pitch or timbre, as from hoarseness or emotion. Used of the voice.
    5. To move or go rapidly: was cracking along at 70 miles an hour.
    6. Chemistry To break into simpler molecules, often by means of heat or a catalyst.
    a. To cause to break without complete separation of parts: The pebble cracked the car's windshield. See Synonyms at break.
    b. To cause to break with a sharp snapping sound: crack nuts.
    c. To crush (corn or wheat, for example) into small pieces.
    a. To strike, especially with a sharp sound: cracked the intruder over the head with a lamp.
    b. To cause to come into forceful contact with something, especially with a sharp sound: fell and cracked his head against the floor.
    3. To open to a slight extent: crack a window to let in some air.
    4. Informal
    b. To open up for use or consumption: crack a book; cracked a beer.
    c. To break through (an obstacle) in order to win acceptance or acknowledgment: finally cracked the 'men-only' rule at the club.
    5. To discover the solution to, especially after considerable effort: crack a code.
    7. Informal To tell (a joke), especially on impulse or in an effective manner.
    8. To cause to have a mental or physical breakdown.
    9. To impair or destroy: Their rude remarks cracked his equanimity.
    10. To reduce (petroleum) to simpler compounds by cracking.
    a. A partial split or break; a fissure: cracks in the basement wall.
    b. A slight narrow space: The window was open a crack.
    2. A defect or flaw: cracks in the argument; a crack in his composure.
    3. A sharp snapping sound, such as the report of a firearm.
    4. A sharp resounding blow: gave him a crack on the head.
    5. A breaking, harshly dissonant vocal tone or sound, as in hoarseness.
    6. An attempt or try: gave him a crack at the job; took a crack at photography.
    7. A witty or sarcastic remark. See Synonyms at joke.
    9. Irish Fun had when socializing; social amusement.
    Excelling in skill or achievement; first-rate: a crack shot; a crack tennis player.
    Phrasal Verbs: crack down
    To act more forcefully to regulate, repress, or restrain: The police cracked down on speeding.
    crack upInformal
    1. To praise highly: He was simply not the genius he was cracked up to be.
    a. To damage or wreck (a vehicle or vessel): crack up a plane; crack up a boat.
    b. To wreck a vehicle in an accident: cracked up on the expressway.
    3. To have a mental or physical breakdown: crack up from overwork.
    4. To experience or cause to experience a great deal of amusement: really cracked up when I heard that joke.
    Idiom: crack the whip
    To behave in a domineering manner; demand hard work and efficiency from those under one's control.
    [Middle English craken, from Old English cracian; see gerə- in Indo-European roots.]

    crack up

    vb (adverb)
    2. (intr) informal to undergo a physical or mental breakdown
    3. (Pathology) (tr) informal to present or report, esp in glowing terms: it's not all it's cracked up to be.
    4. informalchieflyUSandCanadian to laugh or cause to laugh uproariously or uncontrollably
    6. a collapse
    Verb1.crack up - suffer a nervous breakdown
    crock up, collapse, break up, crack
    suffer, sustain, have, get - undergo (as of injuries and illnesses); 'She suffered a fracture in the accident'; 'He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars'; 'She got a bruise on her leg'; 'He got his arm broken in the scuffle'
    2.crack up - rhapsodize about
    exalt, extol, glorify, laud, proclaim - praise, glorify, or honor; 'extol the virtues of one's children'; 'glorify one's spouse's cooking'
    3.crack up - laugh unrestrainedly
    express joy, express mirth, laugh - produce laughter


    1. To undergo partial breaking:
    2. To make a sudden sharp, explosive noise:

    Crack Me Up Meaning Spanish

    3. To find the key to (a code, for example):
    4. To give way mentally and emotionally:
    Informal: crack up, fold.
    5. To suddenly lose all health or strength:
    break (down), cave in, collapse, drop, give out, succumb.
    Slang: conk out.
    phrasal verb
    crack up1. Informal. Crack To undergo wrecking:
    Informal: pile up.
    2. Informal. To give way mentally and emotionally:
    Informal: fold.
    3. Informal. To suddenly lose all health or strength:
    break (down), cave in, collapse, crack, drop, give out, succumb.
    Idiom: give way.
    noun1. A sudden sharp, explosive noise:
    bang, bark, clap, explosion, pop, rat-a-tat-tat, report, snap.
    2. A usually narrow partial opening caused by splitting and rupture:
    break, chink, cleavage, cleft, crevice, fissure, rift, split.
    3. A sudden sharp, powerful stroke:
    bang, blow, clout, hit, lick, pound, slug, sock, swat, thwack, welt, whack, wham, whop.
    Slang: belt, conk, paste.
    4. A trying to do or make something:
    attempt, effort, endeavor, essay, go, offer, stab, trial, try.
    Slang: take.
    5. A brief trial:
    Informal: fling, shot, whack, whirl.
    6. A flippant or sarcastic remark:
    Slang: wisecrack.
    7. A very brief time:
    flash, instant, minute, moment, second, trice, twinkle, twinkling, wink.
    Chiefly British: tick.

    U Crack Me Up Meaning

    adjectiveHaving or demonstrating a high degree of knowledge or skill:
    adept, expert, master, masterful, masterly, professional, proficient, skilled, skillful.

    w>crack up

    (= break into pieces)zerbrechen; (road surface, lips)aufspringen, rissigwerden; (ice)brechen; (machine, plane)auseinanderbrechen, auseinanderfallen; (make-up)
    (fig inf, person) → durchdrehen(inf); (under strain) → zusammenbrechen; (= have a mental breakdown)einen Nervenzusammenbruch haben; (organization)auseinanderfallen, zusammenbrechen; (= lose ability, strength: athlete etc) → abbauen; I/he must be cracking up(hum)so fängts an(inf); she cracked up in the witness boxsie brach auf der Zeugenbankzusammen

    Crack Me Up Meaning In English

    vt sep (inf)he’s/it’s not all he’s/it’s cracked up to beso toll ist er/es dann auch wiedernicht; he’s cracked up to be some sort of geniuser wird als eine ArtGeniegepriesen

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